Step 2: How to install BeGraphic?
Go to the Web page to download the
"Lite version" (also known as the free verion)

Enter a valid E-mail address.

Then look in your mailbox to find our mail that gives the web page where to download the software.
If you don't receive our automatic mail, please:
1- Look for it in your "spam folder" (of your mail application, such as Outlook)
2- Send a request by mail to our technical people at:

Usually download the 32bit version, by doing a "Save As" of the BeGraphic setup on your computer.
There is only one case when the 64bit version is to be taken : Office 2010 64bits
(There's no stress : if you choose the wrong link, the setup will be fine, but BeGraphic would not work.
In that case, please download the other setup and re-instal the right version.)

If you have problems to download BeGraphic, please try another type of web browser...
or download the software from another place (at home ?) because your IT department forbid you to download.
Then put the software on an USB key to come back to the PC with the software.

To install the software, you have to use a PC with Windows (XP, Vista or 7) and Excel (2000 to 2010).
At first BeGraphic will ask you to accept to download all the required Microsoft packages (most of them are included in the setup)
If you have difficulties to do so, check if :
you have administrative rights/privileges on your PC -
and if you currently can access to the Web. If you canno't fulfil one of the two previous conditions, BeGraphic canno't be installed.
You have to ask help to your IT service (mainly to reboot your PC using an administrative profile that is allowed to install softwares).